
History provides powerful lessons about the dangers of hate and intolerance.  People must aim to learn from them and not repeat those same dangerous mistakes, the organizers of an essay contest for young people say.  The Mobile Museum of Tolerance, MMOT, created by the Simon Wiesenthal Center,...
The board of directors of Veterans Honor Flight of Southern Illinois has announced that the 12th mission to transport Veterans to Washington, D.C., is scheduled for Tuesday, May 7. “The generosity of Southern Illinois just keeps coming,” Veterans Honor Flight of Southern Illinois chairman Bryan...
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is planning to host public scoping meetings for the Lower Mississippi River Comprehensive Management Study (LMR Comp) at venues throughout the study area between Feb. 27 and March 11. The meetings will consist of a remote overview presentation and followed by an on-...
The Illinois Department of Public Health, IDPH, on Friday, Feb. 2, announced that the latest data continued to show the spread of respiratory viruses was declining throughout the state.  The state’s overall respiratory illness level decreased from low to minimal in the most recent available CDC...
Southern 7 Health Department, S7HD, has announced January Wellness on Wheels, WOW, Van Clinics which are scheduled in Union County. The schedule includes:  Jan. 31. Dollar General Store, Dongola. 9:30 a.m. to noon. Jan. 31. Dollar General Store, Anna, 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Free services which are...
The minimum wage in Illinois increased on Jan. 1, 2024. Workers will see an increase of $1 per hour from $13 to $14, the Illinois Department of Labor reported.  The minimum wage for tipped workers will rise to $8.40 per hour. Youth workers (under 18) working fewer than 650 hours per calendar year...
To help root out public corruption in Illinois, the Illinois State Police, ISP, Special Investigations Unit, SIU, has created an online form for the public to report suspected corruption directly to ISP. ISP created an online form where the public can provide information confidentially to the ISP...
Union County government’s new fiscal year started on Dec. 1. The fiscal year runs through Nov. 30, 2024. At a regular meeting just prior to Thanksgiving, the Union County Board of Commissioners approved a combined annual budget and appropriations ordinance for the new fiscal year. The meeting was...
The Shawnee Hills Arts Council is planning to present a holiday season children’s musical at the Anna Arts Center. The arts center is located in the 100 block of West Davie St. in Anna.  Performances of “A Christmas Story: The Musical” are set for 7 p.m. on Friday and Saturday, Dec. 8-9, and for 2...
Illinois soils tell both a story and reveal a history of how soils have changed over the centuries.  To understand more, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign needs help from residents and landowners.  During an upcoming free program, Andrew Margenot, Illinois Extension specialist and associate...


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112 Lafayette St.
Anna, Illinois 62906
Office Number: (618) 833-2158

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